Theme 5: HDR

  • Due Feb 7 by 11:59pm
  • Points 30
  • Submitting a website url or a file upload


This week, post 3 photos taken in the theme.  This week: High Dynamic Range! Upload 3 HDRs, not 3 brackets.


High: A large quantity
Dynamic: Can be adjusted in real time
Range: The highest and lowest numbers in a set.
Many photo scenarios are impossible to capture in entirety with a single shot. The brilliant sun requires a dark exposure, and the shadowy cave right next to the sun requires a light exposure. However, you can shoot MULTIPLE photos with MULTIPLE exposures (dark, middle, bright). These are called brackets, and measured in Exposure values.
A high dynamic range can be massaged into a “look” also unlocks the full stylistic potential of your Camera Raw files (CR2.) A shot with no lighting design can still be turned into a dazzling and colorful photo.
Also, HDRs can be saved in special 32 bit formats that RETAIN their dynamic qualities. In the same way your eye or camera can be dialed into brighter or darker pictures, a single picture can retain that potency as a .HDR or .EXR. This is a vital part of the game and cinema industry. You can film an actor on a street, shoot an HDR panorama of that spot, and add a CGI robot that’s accurately lit by that environment.

Criteria for Success

Successfully upload 3 HDR images (NOT 3 brackets), either 16 bit tonemaps or 32 bit true HDR images. Winning photos will take advantage of Photoshop’s HDR Pro settings for vibrant colors or true lighting quality that can’t be captured in a single CR2. Save these images as a .EXR, .HDR, or .TIF


30 points total.
  • 10 points each for 3 HDR photos.

Knowledge & Skills

In Manual mode, you’ll need to put your camera on the following settings:
  • 2 second timer for the shot time
  • Use a tripod, or at least have your camera resting on a flat stable surface. That way all 3 photo brackets will be aligned.
  • In the Q menu, go to the setting that looks like -3…..0…..+3 and rotate your camera wheel. This will add extra brackets for a lower and higher exposure
Read over hdr_process.pdf in the Files section.
Check out these valuable resources for additional info on how to combine your photos.


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