Week 7

Theme 7: Photogrammetry

  • Due Feb 28 by 11:59pm
  • Points 30
  • Submitting a website url or a file upload


Photogrammetry is a HUUUGE subject! We'll do our best to generate a textured 3D model, but all I REALLY need you to turn in is a screenshot of a point cloud.


Photogrammetry is measuring from photographs, and in modern context it involves turning photos into a 3D model. Photogrammetry is a major aspect of modern film and game pipelines. Museums are using photogrammetry to preserve human culture, and insurance companies are using photogrammetry to assess whether your roof is dangerous.  You can even get 3D scanned for your wedding! 

Criteria for Success

Although a robust 3D pipeline isn't going to be achieved in 2 weeks in a non-3D class, the process for photogrammetry is only a few steps: 
  1. Set up your scene for scanning
  2. Take photos correctly
  3. Process all your photos
  4. Turn your photos into a point cloud
  5. Turn your point cloud into a denser point cloud
  6. Turn the dense point cloud into a mesh
  7. Generate a texture for your mesh
  8. Use that big fancy mesh in all sorts of cool ways! 


30 points for a screenshot of a dense point cloud. +20 points of extra credit if you upload a .obj with a successfully stitched texture! 

Knowledge & Skillz

The most robust tools for photogrammetry are Agisoft Photoscan and RealityCapture. Since we don't have those licenses, use the following two pieces of software:
To further process the point cloud in MeshLab (Links to an external site.), please see the documentation of MeshLab. Here is a possible approach:
  • Start MeshLab and open the exported MeshLab scene (called "sceneMeshlab.mlp").
  • If necessary, edit the point cloud with the tools of MeshLab
  • Create a surface: Choose the menu Filters -> "Remeshing, Simplification and Reconstruction" -> "Surface Reconstruction: Poisson". Enter the desired parameters, for example 9, 6, 1, 1
  • Remove the undesired parts of the surface with MeshLab's tools
  • Select the Poisson mesh in the layer dialog
  • Create a texture by choosing the menu Filters -> Texture -> "Parameterization + Texturing from registered rasters", edit the required parameters
  • Save the resulted mesh


Shooting examples: Try using the demo files from Agisoft! http://www.agisoft.com/downloads/sample-data/ (Links to an external site.)
Assignment examples: If you got this far, I'm proud of you! 


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